It'll take you around 10 hours to finish it which is very long for such a consistently engaging 2D adventure. Pontius beats up goblins like a proTrine 2 is a huge game that stretches across plenty of lengthy levels. Trine 2 may just be the best looking and sounding 2D game that I've ever played. Plus, the audio is flawless complete with subtle moody orchestral pieces, fantastic voice acting, and gratifying effects that make solving puzzles and slaying enemies feel all the more visceral. In fact, each frame of gameplay can be hung in a museum it looks so darn good. Swapping between Amadeus, Zoya, and Pontius in order to solve puzzles, progress past tricky scenarios, and defeat enemies is super-satisfying stuff and being able to play cooperatively with up to 3 simultaneous local players is the icing on the cake.As you can tell from the screenshots, Trine 2: Complete Story is an absolutely gorgeous game with plenty of distinct environments that are impressively detailed. For the unfamiliar, each character has their own set of abilities such as being able to magically summon objects, shoot arrows and swing from ceilings, and hack and slash with a sword and shield. Next, I had fun checking it out on PlayStation 4 with Trine 2: Complete Story and now, that version is finally available for Switch.Thankfully, the awesome 2D puzzle platforming gameplay has carried over beautifully.

I first enjoyed it on PlayStation 3 then I played through Trine 2: Director's Cut on Wii U. Are Zoya's arrows powerful enough to move a tree trunk?Believe it or not, this is the fourth time that I've played through Trine 2 yet only the first time that I've actually reviewed it.

Now that the best in the series so far is available for Switch, let's see how it holds up. Reviewed by playing a on February 19, 2019Trine 2: Complete Story is also available for.Frozenbyte's character-swapping Trine series has been providing gamers with top-notch gameplay set in gorgeous worlds for nearly a decade.